Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We are the light

From Sunday’s SOM daily guide:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” MLK

“I am the light of the world.” SOM p.477

Ernest Holmes reminds as he quotes John 8:12 that to say “I am the light of the world” does not refer to one’s human personality, but to one’s divine essence, the principle inherent in each of us, not just Jesus, but everyone, and indeed, everything. When I understand and live this inner principle, I am radiating the light of life. A mere glimpse of this reality illumines my whole being and the world around me.

My direct experience of this, activates it in my life. When I realize the truth of my being, I recognize the one life that runs through everyone and everything. Light is the revelation of divine creative energy that called all life into being. God said, “let there be light” and there was light.

I am light, you are light, the shooter in Tucson, his victims and all those that neglected his mental condition and created the climate that nourished him, are light. We want to let our light shine and not hide it under a basket, because loving and letting our light shine is the most natural thing in the world. We want to so let it shine that all may see our good works and glorify our source and be inspired to do likewise.

When I love my brother, I am abiding in the light. I want to give my love and let others feel it. I want my vibration to be resonating with everyone and everything around me, long after I have left the room, the building, the city and the planet. I must share the vibration within me, as you must, too, it is why we have come, so that when others see us they will know who sent us.

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