Friday, April 20, 2012

Carpe Diem!

 I was in the ophthalmologist’s yesterday to get my glasses fixed, picked up an old copy of Ebony (10/11), mostly to look at the pictures, and read the following editorial by Amy DuBois Barnett, Editor-In-Chief, part of which I want to share with you.

 “Since 9/11, I have not taken a single day for granted.  I understand that every day is a gift, and that the only thing we can control is how hard we live and how much pleasure we take in the small moments.  My mantra became: This day will never happen again.  What can I do to make it count?
“There’s no reason to waste time being afraid of risk, hesitant to have adventures and bitter about lost opportunities.  Live big and bold.  Try new things, visit new places, meet new people, laugh as hard as you can as often as possible.  Stay open to all new experiences and great adventures – and try to have at least one.

“Instead of buying things, focus on doing things.  Don’t shrug off the people and opportunities that come your way.  Think ‘Why not?’ instead of ‘Why?”  Get out there!  Remember, this life will never happen again, and tomorrow is not guaranteed.  Know it’s not about how much time you have, but what you do with it.”

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