“What is everything leaves room for nothing else, and what is everything is love – agape, spirit’s love for us and our love for It. Anything I do, I will do better, if I remember this fact and know spirit’s omnipotent, omnipresent love better. To help me remember, I affirm: ‘the love of God enfolds me.’ This captures the two-way aspect: my love of God enfolds me, and God’s love of me, enfolds me. I do better when I know better. Wherever I am, I am always in the Kingdom, and with God, all things are possible.
Saying, thinking, feeling, and knowing that the love of God enfolds me, reminds me that there are always right solutions at hand. My responsibility is to align myself with mySelf – my reality as spirit. Whatever the challenge is, I can go within, connect with mySelf, and, with Its guidance, see things differently and seeing differently, know what to say, think, feel and do to make a contribution to a world that works for everyone and everything. The world is still an illusion, but with spirit, I can understand that it is a neutral illusion, a classroom, and depending on the teacher I choose – ego or spirit, I can see it as either a reflection of spirit’s love or the ego’s hatred.
Saying, thinking, feeling, and knowing that the love of God enfolds me, is an affirmative prayer, a partial spiritual mind treatment, that enables me to free myself from the ego’s sin, guilt and fear, to know better and do better, without adding fuel to the false fires of discontent, fear and terror.
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