Lao-tzu said, “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” Boy, do I agree with this, it’s all about inside-out and awakening from the ego’s nightmare to my spiritual truth. Knowing and mastering one’s self is a process, as I’ve said before, involving watching my ego bloated nothingness, not judging it, and letting go of my righteous indignation as I take the nightmare too, seriously. Here are a few places I’m taking the nightmare too seriously.
Militants, the word ‘militants’ as used in the lame street media. Look the word up, the way the lame street media is using it is totally incorrect, and the nearly ubiquitous incorrect use of the term bespeaks conspiracy to my paranoid mind. Who decides what’s news, what words to use and how to slant it? Whoever ‘they’ are, they’re a mere handful of editors, publishers, executives and owners, and they seem to be in cahoots. How is it in their interests to say when terrorists blow themselves up, they’re ‘militants’. What does it take to be labeled a terrorist these days?
Horror in the Heartland. The tornado damage we’re experiencing now is horrendous, beyond belief! The deaths are awful, but for the tens of thousands left behind, with no homes, no place to shit and piss, no water or electricity, no jobs, no community it is a horror akin to the tsunami damage in Japan. To me, it seems the same people that are deciding to call terrorists ‘militants,’ have an interest in denying the pattern in the weather that seems so obvious. Perhaps ‘global warming’ is not a useful label for what’s happening. How about ‘global climate change’?
For the dead and devastated it’s too late to wake up and change. But if there’s even the slightest chance that the scientists are correct, and even the slightest chance we might be able to make some small difference by acknowledging and dealing with the phenomena, shouldn’t we take that chance? It is not getting better. Look at the pictures of land and cities scoured and rubbed out. For the dead and devastated it’s too late to wake up and change. But for the rest of us, if there’s even the slightest chance that the scientists are correct, and even the slightest chance we might be able to make some small difference by acknowledging and dealing with the phenomena, I think we should take it.
All relationships and all events in the ego nightmare can be perceived as pathways to understanding ourselves and one another, and for recognizing the spirit in and through all. Even when the media masterminds and their masters call terrorists ‘militants’ and deny global climate change by mislabeling it as ‘global warming’, you and I are still free to say enough, to choose again (repent), and from the centered place of knowing our reality as spirit, make our unique contributions to a world that works for everybody and everyone.
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