Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Intentions 3

Even if there is something that has to be done right now, this minute, or in a very short time, it’s still possible to pause a second, take a very deep breath and reconnect with Source and know we are one with It, It is one with us, and It is also one with whatever we must do. The Source is in all, thru all, and one with all, so taking a second to reconnect with It allows us and what we ‘must’ do to reflect that oneness.

As Joseph Campbell said, there may still be pain, but “pain is part of there being a world at all.” Feeling the pain and knowing where it fits, knowing it is not a punishment, judgment or indication of failure, but a natural, inescapable part of living, allows me to choose to still go forward and do the best I can.

That’s an intention, too – doing the best I can, no matter what, and so is getting my bloated nothingness out of the way of the divine circuits, and so is knowing I’m a spiritual being having an earthly experience, as well as living my life in such a way so as to contribute to a world that works for everyone and everything. I think these are God’s intentions, too, not only for me, but for all life forms and the planet as well.

Yet God works in mysterious ways, at least to me, and on a scale that includes life on earth, but way beyond our abilities to understand. Life and God are the great Mysteries. I believe the intentions I listed are manifesting, but at a pace and in ways, I can’t fully comprehend. That’s what faith is about.

Remember that old story about a five year old talking with God. The kid says, “What’s time like for you, God?” God says, “A second to me is like a ten thousand years for you.” The kid says, “What’s money like for you, God?” God says, “A penny to me is like a million dollars for you.” The kid smiles and says, “Can I have a penny, God?” God says, “In a second.”

Joseph Campbell quotes Heraclitus, the great Greek philosopher, as saying that for God all things are good and right and just, but for humanity some things are right and others are not. In God’s view, good and evil are simply temporal aberrations without differences. God is the transcendent in all of Life, always present, always available, always blessing. When we pause to connect we partake of It, experience communion with It.

One of the most transcendent things we can do and an excellent way to connect and what Campbell calls “one of the greatest challenges of life is to say ‘yea’ to that person or act or that condition which in your mind is most abominable.” Something to shoot for, a new intention to set – I am willing to say ‘yea’ to that person, act or condition I find most abominable. Yech! Talk about approach/avoidance and being careful what you ask for.

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